Nek'ka Migel
3 min readJun 18, 2023

Happy Father’s Day

This is a true story about a single father who experienced love, loss, and redemption. I hope it gives you hope to keep dreaming, believing, and never doubting God.

Jeff's Story

Father’s Day brings me joy every year. But it also reminds me of a long journey that I had to go through not only as a father but as a man.

Happy Father's Day

I came to Boise in 2014. I did not arrive on the best of terms. I was struggling with substance abuse and I lost everything.

Luckily, I still had my car, which allowed me to get here, but my car had been repossessed shortly after I arrived. I was a complete mess and lost.

My children’s mother had moved here with her parents. She had to get me and our children away from my destructive ways.

I came here to Boise to be in my children’s lives. Coming to Boise started what would become a long arduous journey in recovery, one which only God can lead me through.

Spend time with your children

I spent a year at the Boise Rescue Mission New Life Program. I was able to put my life back together and become a better man.

Throughout this process, I was not able to see my children. As I got sober, I struggled with all the guilt of hurting my children and others who supported me.

In 2017, I finally graduated from the New Life Program. At that point, I thought I was finally able to see my children.

Unfortunately, their mother still did not trust me. She came to the Rescue Mission and met with my counselors. She was not ready to move forward.

For the next two years, I called, sent cards, and called some more. No response. I was crushed, defeated, and slowly started to prepare for a life without them.

It pays to be patient, sometimes

Through my travels, I was fortunate to meet Nek’ka Migel, who had a passion for helping single parents fight for their rights and counsel them on the process of reunification.

Part of this process was going to involve Family Law Court and I was afraid of the process. I did not have any money for any of this either. Nek’kas organization was able to provide resources to get through that process.

Through it all, in February of 2019, I was finally able to see my children again and begin rebuilding not only my relationship with my children but also with my children’s mother. We both have learned to co-parent successfully. We now have a good working relationship.

Seeing your kids is good for them, too!

Every time I see or hear about Nek’ka and her organization helping people, I am grateful. She has walked through a lot in her own life as others have in their organization. I am grateful and praise God that they are here in the valley to help single parents.

Jeff Turner

©️ 2023 Anna Grace Foundation, Inc.





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Nek'ka Migel

Love God, married 5 years, 5 kids, writing a book, Helping Single Parents get to their next level, Prayer Intercessor praying for Small Business Owners.