Nek'ka Migel
5 min readMay 5, 2023


Have you ever put a period where it didn't belong?

I had given up on adding a second child to our family of three after seven years of having only one child, a son. I was putting a period there. I even went so far as to buy a portrait of a young girl, gave it to my husband, and said, "Here is your little girl."

I became pregnant with our daughter six years later. A month later, our son would turn 14 years old.

The following year we had one more girl. We were a family of 5! Yay!

Then, my husband asked for a divorce. He was putting a period for our marriage. As much as I tried to fight it legally, he still got HIS divorce from us. But he took our son. There went my instant babysitter.

The next 16 years of my life as a single stay-at-home mother had many challenges and opportunities to stop.

When we moved to California, it appeared as though nothing was opening up for me and my daughters, as it had before in previous moves. In this move to California, we were sleeping in other people’s homes, and I was driving their cars.

I was searching daily looking for a place to stay even though I was tempted to stop and put a period where it didn’t belong. Given that she has always desired more children, I considered asking my sister to finish raising my daughters.

BUT THAT was no place to put a period to end my story as a single mom.

My daughters started going through a lot of disappointments after we moved to the south. I quickly informed them



Nek'ka Migel

Love God, married 5 years, 5 kids, writing a book, Helping Single Parents get to their next level, Prayer Intercessor praying for Small Business Owners.