Nek'ka Migel
5 min readMay 5, 2023


Have you ever put a period where it didn't belong?

I had given up on adding a second child to our family of three after seven years of having only one child, a son. I was putting a period there. I even went so far as to buy a portrait of a young girl, gave it to my husband, and said, "Here is your little girl."

I became pregnant with our daughter six years later. A month later, our son would turn 14 years old.

The following year we had one more girl. We were a family of 5! Yay!

Then, my husband asked for a divorce. He was putting a period for our marriage. As much as I tried



Nek'ka Migel

Love God, married 5 years, 5 kids, writing a book, Helping Single Parents get to their next level, Prayer Intercessor praying for Small Business Owners.