Nek'ka Migel
1 min readFeb 24, 2020


So Long to Things Not Needed

Day 21 of my 30 day minimalist challenge

Spent the morning at church with my kids and grandkids. Getting ready for baby dedications real soon.

I got baby bottle milk on my pant slacks from the youngest. I'm sure they aren't stained forever.

Then I spent the evening with hubby who wanted to go shopping. My husband wanted to go clothes shopping. He bought himself some clothes and for me, I got a new pair of pants.

So I'm always inspired to give away clothes that don't fit right after bringing new ones home. It was hard…



Nek'ka Migel

Love God, married 5 years, 5 kids, writing a book, Helping Single Parents get to their next level, Prayer Intercessor praying for Small Business Owners.